This is a collection of previously released cuts that were released on the group’s various albums and first single, but here have been given a new lease of life by being recorded (almost) live, in the naturally apt setting of Barker’s Lithographic Printers in Rochester Kent. What this latest release proves is that the Galileo 7 are hot: one of the most buzzing, happening propositions on the British mod-pop garage scene.
Mole’s drum infiltrations have created in the songs a much more edgy spin, wildly emphasising the accents, take-off and landing points, while the guitars, organ and vocals all swing and swirl more, like a print made in fabulous colour. It’s an altogether more electrifying sound. The production – or lack thereof – renders everything remarkably tactile sounding which, in turn, makes the songs fizz with newfound energy and helps to the propel ‘Orangery Lane’ , the sprightly ‘Anne Hedonia’ and the likes of the near-perfect closer ‘Don’t fly too High’ forward into what are now extraordinarily good beat sounds.
Lenny Helsing