Jan 7, 2013 | Voix de Garage

Translation courtesy of Google:

‘Second album for the group Allan Crockford (ex Prisoners, Prime Movers, Solarflares …) and his gang. The first was a delicious discovery, although in line with the music which follows for more than thirty years. And the second does not lower the quality of its entire discography! While being a little different from the first. But not less interesting. The voice is still there, the organ too. And talent as a composer has not fled. 12 songs Pop Garage muscular, but with a little more melancholic songs than the previous. SONGS of a biblical evidence, and we end up singing in the shower, at work or in the car. Just one of his records is there, and who will stay! An album that fishing line but also some depth despite the simplicity (apparent) songs. A clear and efficient production without ostentation, which serves the purpose perfectly. I loved the predecessor! I waited for it impatiently. I am not disappointed!’